SWOT Analysis of Gastronomy Tourism in Balıkesir Province Gulf Districts Within the Scope of Sustainable Tourism



Tourism, Sustainable Tourism, Gastronomy Tourism, Edremit Gulf, SWOT Analysis


Balıkesir province, Edremit Gulf districts stand out with their arable land, historical values ​​and tourist attraction. Edremit Gulf districts have a rich culture due to their large number of immigrants. The cultural richness of the region has also been reflected in the cuisine culture and a rich cuisine culture has occurred. The basic cuisine of the region consists of olive and olive oil. This study was carried out in order to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the region by conducting a SWOT analysis in terms of gastronomy tourism of the Gulf districts of Balıkesir province and to develop suggestions for increasing the gastronomy tourism potential of the region in line with the results obtained. As a result of the study, it was determined that the local and foreign tourist demand for the region and the local product variety were among the strengths of the region's gastronomy tourism, while the weaknesses were the lack of promotion of the gastronomic products of the region and the lack of standard production of the region's gastronomic products by the enterprises. It has been determined that the diversity of gastronomic products and having a healthy and nutritious cuisine is one of the opportunities that Edremit Gulf districts have in terms of gastronomy tourism. The fact that the region is dominated by seasonal tourists is among the current and potential threats of gastronomic tourism. As a result of the study, suggestions were developed to strengthen the weaknesses identified in the SWOT analysis of the region of Körfez districts of Balıkesir province, to use its strengths more effectively, and to turn threats into opportunities.




How to Cite

Çelebi, E., & Sormaz, Ümit. (2021). SWOT Analysis of Gastronomy Tourism in Balıkesir Province Gulf Districts Within the Scope of Sustainable Tourism. Tourism Economics, Management and Policy Research, 1(1), 20–30. Retrieved from http://temapor.com/index.php/temapor/article/view/12



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